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According to the constitution of the Society, its members may be regular, associate, honorary or corresponding.

Regular members may be graduates of Greek or equivalent Foreign Universities who have an adequate numbers of publications in the research field of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. At least fifteen (15) of these publications must be written in a foreign language and ten (10) of them published in international prestigiousscientific journals.

Associate members may be graduates of Greek or equivalent Foreign Universities who have at least ten (10) publications in the research field of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, written in a foreign language. At least half of these publications must be published in international scientific journals.

All regular and associate members must have Greek citizenship.

Honorary members are designated distinguished scientists that have excelled in the science of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics or other relevant sciences, as well as personalities that contributed substantially with their social activities to the promotion of this scientific field or other relevant fields.

Corresponding members are designated distinguished scientists of Greek or foreign citizenzship with acclaimed scientific contribution in the science of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics or other relevant sciences, that live permanently abroad.

The regular and associate members are enrolled after a decision of the Executive Board of HSTAM with the majority of votes, following a written recommendation of at least two regular members of the society.

The honorary and corresponding members are elected by the Executive Board of HSTAM with a majority of 2/3 of its members, after a written recommendation of at least two regular members of the society one of which should as well be a member of the Executive Board.

All members of the society are entitled to attend the General Assemblies of the members of HSTAM and participate in them.

In particular, the regular members are required to participate in the General Assemblies as well as in any special meeting of the Assemly.

The regular members of the society have the right to vote and be elected as members of the Executive Board according to the terms of the constitution of HSTAM.

The members are required to fulfil their financial obligations towards the society and to comply with the terms of the constitution of HSTAM as well as with the desicions of the General Assemlies of the Executive Board.

The existing members and their contact details are available in the members list.

To become a member of HSTAM, please download and complete the application for registration.

Please send this application together with your Curriculum Vitae to the following address:

Professor Georgios E. Stavroulakis
School of Production Engineering & Management
Technical University of Crete

Tel.: +30 28210 37418
E-mail: gestavr@dpem.tuc.gr